Ines Abbes

Ines did her MSc under the supervision Mohamed Jemni and Alberto Barrón-Cedeño, while at QCRI. She expressed some nice words during the COVID-19 pandemic: “I went to QCRI, two months ago, to attend a Talk and and I met Dr. Hassan and other ALT team members. It was my first time going to QCRI after you left and it was hard for me see your office close. You made my working experience there one of the best experiences of my career. I have been always grateful for your guidance, support, inspiration, and motivation during my master’s project. Honestly, it was a privilege for me working with you and having you as supervisor.”

Masters dissertation
Abbes, Ines (2018) Towards Question Answering with Cross-Language Support. University of Tunis National High School of Engineering of Tunis (and Qatar Computing Research Institute), MSc in Computing - Tunisia