
UniBO at CheckThat! 2024 Multi-lingual and Multi-label Persuasion Technique Detection in News with Data Augmentation and Sequence-Token Classifiers
UniBO at CheckThat! 2024 Multi-lingual and Multi-label Persuasion Technique Detection in News with Data Augmentation and Sequence-Token Classifiers

UniBO's top-performing participation to CheckThat! 2024 Task 3.

Sep 2, 2024

An overview of our experience (re-)Introducing Computing Science in a Department of Translation
An overview of our experience (re-)Introducing Computing Science in a Department of Translation

Invited talk during the visit to UdeM's Department of linguistics and translation.

Jun 13, 2024

Towards the Disambiguation of Pejorative Epithets to Improve Misogyny Detection in Italian Tweets
Towards the Disambiguation of Pejorative Epithets to Improve Misogyny Detection in Italian Tweets

Invited talk during the visit to UdeM's Department of linguistics and translation.

Jun 10, 2024

On the definition and the automatic detection of hate speech. A tale of pulling translators into NLP
On the definition and the automatic detection of hate speech. A tale of pulling translators into NLP

Keynote for RADH 2023

Nov 17, 2023

Iniciativas para identificar (algunos) contenidos maliciosos
Iniciativas para identificar (algunos) contenidos maliciosos

Inivted Webinar for the Spanish AI Tech Talks.

Oct 13, 2022

An aperitivo of (early) efforts against harming online contents
An aperitivo of (early) efforts against harming online contents

Invited talk for the U. of Cambridge NLP seminars series.

Jun 10, 2022

On the relevance of unmasking propaganda online
On the relevance of unmasking propaganda online

Invited talk for the QMUL Cognitive Science Seminar Series

Jun 9, 2021

Propaganda is behind (dis)information Concepts and Counter-Measures
Propaganda is behind (dis)information Concepts and Counter-Measures

Invited seminar at UdeM OLST-RALI

Dec 9, 2020

What an NLPer wishes (and does) when permeating a Translation Department
What an NLPer wishes (and does) when permeating a Translation Department

Invited talk about the introduction of computing science into a translation department.

Dec 3, 2020

From Uncovering to Promoting and Exploiting Text Re-Use
From Uncovering to Promoting and Exploiting Text Re-Use

Keynote and tutorial at the Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Information Extraction, Social Media and Web Search AINL-ISMW FRUCT.

Nov 9, 2015