What an NLPer wishes (and does) when permeating a Translation Department

Dec 3, 2020·
Alberto Barrón-Cedeño
Alberto Barrón-Cedeño
· 1 min read
Even if conceived in the intersection of linguistics and computing science, natural language processing (NLP) has turned into a more computational than a linguistic field. Whereas computing science curricula often include NLP, linguistics and translation curricula usually do not. In many cases, software is perceived as an out-of-the box tool. In this seminar, I discuss the ongoing integration of computing scientists in a translation and interpreting department. I will overview the contents of the computational linguistics course, as well as some of the students research so far: (i) emotion identification in lyrics, (ii) a stylistic study of theatre characters in English and Italian, and (iii) misogyny and aggressiveness identification in tweets. I will close with a punctual overview of research on other topics, such as propaganda identification and the use of cognates to make texts in foreign languages understandable.
Dec 3, 2020 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM
UABJ Seminar (online)

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Mexicali, Mexico